

What inspired you to start a blog?
I was pregnant in 2013 and I was looking for outside support through the internet and I came across many pregnancy blogs on Youtube and soon found written blogs all over the internet. After reading and watching various pregnancy blogs I enjoyed following their stories through good times and bad times through to miscarriage and trouble trying to concieve (ttc) and difficult labour & birth. Even though I had no problems concieving and giving birth I wanted to share my story and give advice to first time mums or any mums out there.

How did you come up with the name "Baby Obstacles".?
It didn't come to easily. I spent days trying to decide what to call my blog. I searched all over the internet to get ideas and inspiration. Many blogger/vlogger had their name and baby like (your name) andbaby. I wanted to do something different to that. With having difficulty at the beginning of breastfeeding I wanted to find a different word that means hard, difficult or challenge. That how the word "Obstacle" came to mind. Being the first time mum everything was new and such a challenge. I had to adjust to my new life as a mother. That's when Baby Obstacles blog was born.

How did you create you blog header?
I use Pizap - Online photo editor collage maker. I used the background canvas facebook cover, it's a good size for the headers. I added my own pictures/photos to a background and used a few of the sticker in it to give the banner a unique look and I also use the paint bush in pizap to make line and shapes. Then I clicked into layout and pasted my picture saved in my computer.

What camera do you use to take your photos?
I use a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FH27 smart touch intelligent 10x zoom digital camera for the pictures that I take of my daughter on my blog.

What is your parenting style?
I don't have a specific style in parenting. I just go with my gut, do what feels right for my baby and what I feel comfortable with. I would say I do a mixture of parenting styles. I do baby wearing and I breastfeed my daughter to sleep for naps and bedtime most of the time.(as of now 2015 i only breastfeed when she wakes in the morning and after her 1 nap.)

I do not co-sleep and do not have baby in bed with me, she sleeps in her own cot. I sometimes let her cry to get to sleep if she is slightly awake after a breastfeed or when I have tried all I can to settle her. I give her a pat on the head and verbal reassurance when I am trying to settle her so I do not use C.I.O method. I comfort her at intervals. (as of now she is tucked in and will talk and play til she sleeps)

I would say my style of parenting is more on the line of attachment parenting as that was how I was raised but I will make sure I productively discipline my daughter especially when she is older. Although my mum had a relax approach to disciplining me I am glad her and I have the close bond we have to this day. I know that discipline is very important to learning how to deal the world around you and learning boundaries. My step-dad tried his best to step up as the disciplinary person. To put it bluntly he was a bit over the top with yelling but it never put mine and his bond in jeopardy. I have always called him Dad and always will.

In the end I turned out a pretty good person so please do not stress out about how you parent your child every child is unique and so are you. They will turn out fine in the end. As long as your childs need are meet and your are supportive to them your are doing just fine.

Are you a single mother looking after your baby on your own?
No, I have a wonderful loving working partner who I have been with for almost 10 years now. He is my best friend, my rock, my world and my dream man. At this moment of time I do a lot of the parenting because he works full time & I breastfeed although we both try our best to keep to each other sane by sharing responsibilities of the boring adult things and our baby.

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