
Sunday, February 23, 2014

4 Months postpartum

I've been a mum for 18weeks now and im still loving it there are time when I want to just run away when things are not working out but I stay strong and handle the jandle. With being a mum i have never had so much patience and never as strong, determined and consistent as I am now. You got to have all those qualities to get though the minutes, hours, early hours and day n nights. I moved my daughter to her room at 3 months and she doing so great at sleeping at night it very rare for me to get up in the mid of night feeding her. I'm also enjoying early nights too as she has a much earlier bedtime of 8:30.

Well I've had some difficulty these past few days because I decided to put Ella in her cot now and it been so hard to get her to have a nap during the day she cries and cries and yells it like she telling me off and being very stubborn. I used to rock her bassinet back and forth to get her to sleep but i can't do that in the cot as it has no wheel it all wood so there no way i can rock or make the sound of the bassinets wheels so now it just the radio, my presence and my touch for reassurance and my gosh 2-3 hours of a crying baby is draining. What do you do to get an infant to sleep during the day? It seems totally impossible! but it's do-able when you figure out what works for your baby. I have to totally tire her out by a lot of stimulation and time outside otherwise ill have a crying baby for ages in her cot.

I know it only been two days in her cot but it feels like it has been forever as her naps are not working but she sleeps wonderfully during the night. I can't complain about that but this mumma needs timeout during the day. Sometime naps work but half the time naps don't. Looks like playtime for my girl is going to get a lot more active so i get her tired out so nap time is easier so I can enjoy my own alone time even if it just 30mins. I go crazy because when i put her down for nap it takes 30mins to feed her read book to her and stop her crying. sometimes the crying goes for 40mins or more. I may be over doing it but I want a routine for her to sleep at 11am and 2pm everyday and i believe routine helps babies because it help them know what happens next. So to some this all up im trying to get my daughter to nap in her cot and not cry for 30mins straight. It should be this hard for a 3 month old right?

Part from sleep im also having problem getting her to breastfeed in the morning she wakes at 7am and doesnt want it she sucks 3 times then unlatches and it feels like im fighting then she shows signals that she hungry but she refuses. it not til 10am or even 12pm till she actually breastfeeds it worries me so much..I trying new feed times so her eat..Sometime she wakes at 5am for a feed so it could be why but it only just become a problem. All i can do is wait till she hungry so my feeding routine has flew out the window and it at any time though i still try to feed close to her normal 3 hourly times 6am 9am 12pm 3pm 6pm 7pm (sometimes 12am) 5am. I may be ranting on a bit but thiss is what on my mind and i thought id write something new on here

Facebook Mummy group

One day I was on Facebook and my cousin invited me to a closed group called Mummy Matters. I didn't even know there were such a thing as groups on Facebook. I couldn't believe it there were so many mums on it from all over the world commenting about what ever is on their mind about their babies and pregnancies. At the time I was about 7 months pregnant so many of the comments that were posted I could relate to. The group is a place for mother to just let their hair down and talk about what ever is bothering them without feeling misunderstood or judged and just mums getting along and helping each other out if one has a question about pregnant, babies, their annoying husbands/partners/sperm donors and any life troubles.

I found it do helpful when i had so many questions since i am a first time mum so I posted alot and have begun to get recognize some of the ladies name but i grew bored of mummy matters and found a new group called 203 October babies and I have been on it since it the best one so far. All sorts of ladies around the world even few New Zealanders too.

The support system for new mums these days has grown so much and is now so much stuff on the internet and even coffee group or parent hubs to go to to chill out with yours and other baby it great because being a parent is hard especially being a mum.

If you struggling never turn down help it is good to have help and with being a mum iv asked for hhelp a lot more than i ever have in my life.