
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Baby Update + 21 weeks postpartum

My baby girl is 21 weeks old now making her 5 months in 5 days time. It so exciting she is getting so much closer to 6 months. And we all know what 6 months means. Solids!! I can't wait to get her started with having a taste of purred food. I just brought her baby spoons. I tested to see if she is close to being ready for solids because she showing all the signs and i just had to see if she would eat a little bit off the spoon and to my surprise she tasted it and swallowed I'm so excited for her. She was enjoying the purred banana i gave her. I only gave her tiny bit on her spoon 3 times. The test was great. 

I have a Plunket metting on Friday 14th in the morning and we are going to talk about solids and of course get her weighed and measured and also her development. I'm going to see if they think she is ready and I can get her started on food. I am still going breastfeed her of course it is still needed. I plan to wean her when she wants to wean herself, I don't mind if it over 2 months. Breastfeeding is the best!. 

She is hitting all the milestones for her age. She is not sitting up but she is rolling over every now and then though it is very rare to see, she doesn't roll over much at all. Grabbing and reaching for toys is so easy for her now and she is chewing and reaching for anything everything now especially my food and drinks. Her speech has developed a bit more she is babbling saying abaa and amaa, as she says abaa she opens and closes her mouth to help make the sound it so adorable. I swear i heard her say Mumma quite a few times but im not sure its that. Right now it an exciting time for this mumma. Omg she loves her jolly jumper she squeal and coos and babbles so loudly and bounces one foot after the other sort of like skipping.

Enough about her now about my. I'm 21 weeks postpartum and I feel really great. I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight. My jelly belly is starting to firm up nicely. I still have a lot of toning to do but it is okay. I have no excerise routine anyway. I am only breastfeeding and doing a daily walk and sometimes twice a day. My dog loves it when i do a walk twice and plus it make my daughter have another nap. The pram sends her to sleep well most of time when she not talking away to herself in her baby language. It great to have a happy baby she is mostly happy all he time. She only ever cries when she is hungry, has dirty nappies, doesnt want to have a nap and is bored of having tummy or floor time. She has always been quite an easy baby. ahh Knock on wood. I actually did it just then. 

overall she is doing really well and so I am and my partner is getting so much more involved it is s great!