
Friday, December 6, 2013

1-7 Weeks Postpartum - Baby Obstacles

As you know from the last post, the first three days with a baby is all about breastfeeding. To be honest it is mainly all about breastfeeding, and it will be for as long as you breastfeed. I plan to continue breastfeeding my daughter til she is one years old, if I can. I want to give her the best start in life and I'll just put up with leaky boobs and the wet patches on my bed sheets and my clothes. My first week with baby was defiantly a challenge because breastfeeding didn't come easy to me or my baby. I had a visit from my midwife everyday to see how well I was doing or where I was going wrong. Having my midwifes guidance was very helpful. She showed me how to latch my daughter on the proper way and had shown me the different position so I could find what was comfortable for me. I was given information with and without pictures which were helpful when my midwife wasn't around. Each day that went by I was really making some progress. I was getting better and better by the minute.

A big bonus was that my mum stayed for 3 weeks to help out and I so glad she was here. She did all the housework for me and a bit of spring cleaning too. My mum was happy to help as she knows what it like. Mum was in those shoes three times with my two older brothers and myself. With mum doing the housework all I had to do was look after my daughter and of course ME.

The fuss of a newborn had finally worn of a bit so the crown in my lounge was no more so I had the space to slowly concentrate on feeding Ella and take it one step at a time and before I knew the first week of the long haul was over and I had breastfeeding established. I wasn't a pro, hey I'm still learning, but I finally got her latched and suckling happily.

I tell you one thing the first week is mainly a blur to me it had happened so fast but it didn't at the time though because I had a bad case of the baby blues so I was really emotional and was crying a lot as I couldn't just simply feed my baby. I hand expressed and eventually got a pump just to help me with my sore nipples but I didn't stop trying breastfeeding. The bottle was mainly there to give me reassurance that I was still feeding my child and not starving her and it also boosted my confidence.

As the weeks when by breastfeeding became easier and I bottle fed her less as the days went on. Now days I only pump when my boobs are engorged, when I just want to have break and get Daddy to feed her or when I want to go out without baby.

I may be going on about breastfeeding but it had a big impact on me. Come to think about it, breastfeeding for me is so much more harder then delivering a baby and that was HARD.

It's an amazing experience watching your child grow and seeing the milestones that happen along the way. Every week my midwife would visit me at home and she would weigh and measure my baby. Ella was born at 8 pound 4oz and within the first week she had lost 1 pound oz but as the weeks when by she was growing & gaining weight healthily. Her newborn clothes was getting smaller each week but not by much. She still fits newborn clothes and she is now 7 weeks and 1 day old

My body has changed so much my hips are so much wider with stretch marks and stretch marks on my tummy plus a few on my boob. My boob aren't as perky as they used to be and belly is like jelly. I weigh a bit more than i used to and down below just doesn't feel the same. Im surprised how much a female body can prepare and stretch for a baby. I still look back and wonder how i did it.

Giving Ella a bath is a big highlight for me because she likes it a lot. She enjoys the water and no wonder why she was born in the water. I enjoy doing this every night as I know it make her sleep better at night and trust me it does work because when I don't give her a bath I end up having broken sleep at night. When I give her a bath I'm blessed with an awesome baby that sleeps from 10pm to 6am though throughout these whole 7 weeks she has been a great night sleeper anyway. I took Ella out in the pram when she was only days old. She look so tiny in the pram and also in her carseat whenever we went somewhere in the car. Going out for a walk with her in a pram is another highlight for me it's a chance for me to get out of the house. I have many highlights with her. I enjoying her smiles, her baby talk, her wriggles, her grunts and most of all I enjoy the great bond that we share with each other. The way she looks at me is priceless.

I take everyday as it comes and enjoy every minute of my daughter. She make my days worth living and I'll never be bored again. I look forward to tomorrow and what it will bring. I love you my baby girl forever and always.

Day Three

It was my first day at home with a baby well day two i was home with baby but at 5:30pm. The night before was so hard, feeding her in middle of night it was harder especially being half asleep in the dark. It was a game of Latch on latch off latch on til I got her breastfeeding comfortably. It wasn't comfortable enough though because my nipples were crack & blood blistered.  I was having a really hard time in pain. I came to a point when I refused to breastfeeding.

First of all I could not handle the pain, second of all she would not latch on and would fight & cry and third of all I was having the baby blues. My hormones and emotions mixed was horrible. I never thought it would of felt like that, an uncontrollable feeling. You just needed to cry. I was like that since baby arrived. Being at home with baby was a shock to me physically, emotionally and mentally. I was happy to be home but oh my gosh I have to feed this baby and care for it. It harder than it looks. Sleepless nights or broken sleep being woken every 2-3 hours. It's torture. Things mums do for their children. Never taking my mother for granted ever again.

As I may of said, a lot of the early days with baby is breastfeeding/bottle feeding, sleeping and of course nappy changes

For the first week with baby my midwife would visit and help me out with breastfeeding and anything about my body I was concerned with. She was great. The thing that annoyed me was my daughter would only latch on to feed properly when my midwife was here and when she wasn't Ella was back to not latching on and fighting me. So midwife came back several times a day to get this breastfeeding better established.

The first three day to a week is a huge challenge with getting breastfeeding right. don't give up keep trying even if you express or pump your milk into a bottle it still giving you baby a great start. When I was learning to feed her on the breast i hand expressed til i got a manual pump. It took ages, an hour, hand expressing but it gave my nipples time to heal from being crack and blood blistered. When it was time to breastfeed I would have a bottle waiting beside me if breastfeeding didn't work. It help boosted my confidence and lowered my anxiety and anger. I would never hurt my baby so I did have times where I hand her to her daddy and went outside for a breather or a walk with my rottweiler dog.

Never give up on breastfeeding keep at it and you and your child will benefit from it.

Big smiles from

Day Two

Most of us would stay in hospital over night to get breastfeed established, all rested up and adjusting to the fact that you are a MOTHER. On this day realisation kicks in and the daze that you were in the day before has faded but your happiness of having baby with you will never fade, he/she is your child and always will be till he end so you might as well give he/she a good life. You baby would have had tests done day before. Day two your baby will have a hearing test if not done day before. My baby hearing was perfect. The hearing machine thing intrigued me. But that's me I really like medical related stuff. Biology fascinates me a lot. I thinking of becoming a midwife because of it. Okay I'm going off topic. Day two, you still feel pretty fatigued at this point and by now you'd be sick of changing your pad every so often. It's like change baby nappy and change mine. Bleeding is what you have to deal with after giving birth and it sucks big time but it natures way of healing the body. I spent the whole day in hospital getting use to breastfeeding and I could say I learnt the ropes of it but every now and then had difficulties getting comfortable and baby was wriggling around or would fall asleep. It made me happy that I wasn't starving my baby. Reason I say that is because on day one I didn't have the confidence to face more pain on my nipples as they were really sore. My heart hurt because I refused to feed her. I cried and was scared. With encouragement I was able. At 5pm I decided to go home just because of the fact that I could. My partner mentioned it and the nurse said okay if really want to. I wanted my own bed. Hospital beds are not comfortable. She look so adorably tiny in her car seat. I'm surprised she fitted in it. Off we drove me and my new family. Time to do it all my own. That scared me a little but I had my partner and my mum here at home with me so it gave me comfort knowing that if i nee help. mainly encouragement. My journey of motherhood had began that day.

Day One

After being up all night and early morning in labour with my child from 10pm I was so tired and worn out. Being in labour is hard on the body but giving birth to a child is even worse.
Your whole body becomes so weak afterwards.
My body ached all over but we all know were I was aching the most.
The only thing I could do was rest and sleep. Honestly the hardest thing of day one is starting breastfeeding. Both you and baby have to learn how to do it.
Latching baby on right is what you need to get right so you don't end up with more pain on top of what you already have.
I ended up with cracked and blood blistered nipples because of  baby not latching on properly.
 You have to make sure baby mouth is around most of the areola (the dark part around the nipple) and has a good suction. Breastfeeding seems so easy until you actually do it yourself. It's harder than it looks.
I broke down. I was ready to give up on breastfeeding.
Deep inside I was determined to get it right but my frustration, tiredness and pain overruled. My baby and I were crying along together. Make the most of the nurse midwifes in the hospital, use them, you'll need them especially when your partner and family have left. They helped motivated me. Adjusting to having a baby was very hard as I was so exhausted from what my body just went though.

When baby arrived after the first skin-to-skin & breastfeeding of your baby will get weighed, measured and a full body check to see for abnormalities. My baby got the highest score in the apgar test (may called something different other countries) 10/10 but had an extra buttocks crease but nothing to worry about.

To sum it up day one is all about rest, sleep and feeding baby. Most of all meeting your new baby after the long 9 month wait. Don't give up to easily on breastfeeding. Give your baby the best start to life. Breast is best.

My Labour & Delivery Story

It all started at 8pm on the 16th of October. What first were braxton hicks had turned into contractions that went on at 20-30 minutes intervals for two whole hours. At 10pm everything came to a stand still. Pains had vanished. Later on I attempted sleeping in my bed but I was kept up by contractions starting up again. Things were progressing and the pain was increasing. All I could feel the pain of baby pushing down on my pelvis & hips bone, period cramps, pressure on my lower back and anus. It felt like I had a tummy bug cramp and diarrhea cramps too. It was nothing like any pain I have ever felt before. It was beyond my pain tolerance. After constant contractions since 10pm it was 12:40am. My partner had arrived home from working night shift. By the time he had finished his refreshing shower all he could hear was me screaming & crying loudly in pain. He did his best to calm me and tell me that it was going to be alright. I told him the baby is coming, ring your parents. We had a plan that when I go into labour we were to ring them so they could pick us up and drive us to the hospital. Within the 20 minutes of waiting for his parent alot had happened. Contractions were coming on longer & stronger. My water had broke then 5 minutes later they broke again at 2:30am. I had to change my pants twice.

Finally his parents arrived. It was a lengthy car ride with mostly straight roads. It took 30 mins to get to the hospital. I was screaming and crying with contractions the whole time. My partner had rang the midwife on the way there. I don't know how my baby's grandad was able to drive as I was in the front seat screaming. To my satisfaction I saw the hospital building, my partner wheeled me through the doors in a wheelchair and followed the nurses into the birthing room. Time of admission was 3:15am and I was 4cm dilated. Before I knew it I was on the bed sucking on gas with contractions that were extremely painful. The bed become so uncomfortable I had to move to the bath. After few hours of contractions, back rubs and comfort from both Grandmother and babys daddy I was fully dilated at 4:40am. At this point the pain was more intense. The clock hit 5:19am and babies head was born and then a few gentle pushes later out came babies shoulders. I felt a quick release and there baby dove into the water and was lifted out and instantly put onto my chest. My partner cut the umbilical cord then 20 minutes later I pushed out the placenta but a few bits of placenta membranes were stuck so my student midwife did a great job of gently plucking them out.  After that I was moved to the bed breastfeed baby for the first time and baby latched beautifully.

I was in labour for 6 hours 40 minutes and the birth of baby & placenta was for 61 minutes. My baby girl was born on October 17th at 5:20am, weighed 8lb 4oz. She was born in the water and is perfectly healthy. The birth turned out as planned and I had a great recovery with no stitches, no tears. I'm overjoying to be a new mummy.

My Pregnancy

1-3 Weeks Pregnant

Roughly about January 12th 2013 while we were on holiday I was noticing something was different. My female intuition was telling me I was pregnant. I didn't know for sure if this was true but I couldn't help but wonder why I was feeling this way. I was sexually active those passed few weeks. After a few days I was noticing symptoms. I knew it was to early to find out but I told my partner. "I have not had my period yet, I could be pregnant" I said with concern. We waited 6 days then we finally got a pregnancy test. I couldn't wait any longer, we had to know. I took the test only to my disappointment yet relief that the test was negative.

3-5 Weeks Pregnant

Few days later we arrived home. It is always a weird feeling coming back to your house after a holiday, it has a different feel to it but once you settle in it back to how it always was. On February 6th 2013 I had made an appointment at the doctors to get a pregnancy test done because my female intuition was really bugging me. Off I went to the doctors, walked though the door and waited for my doctor to call my name. I was called not long after I sat down and I enter the consultation room. "How can I help you today" said the doctor. Told her what was going on and asked for a pregnancy test. She gave me a container and sent me to the bathroom and I came back with the urine sample and she done the test. To my luck my intuition was right. I was PREGNANT. I just found out that I had conceived a child on January 5th 2013. My baby due date (EDD) was October 12th 2013. I was 4 weeks 4 days pregnant. I told almost everyone that I knew.

6 Weeks Pregnant

I went to have a ultrasound baby scan on the 22nd of February to find out exactly how far pregnant I was and it showed I was 6 weeks 6 days pregnant. I got to take home some pictures of my little peanut. It was an awesome feeling knowing I was pregnant and I finally had the proof even though the baby was super tiny.

8 Weeks Pregnant

I was 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I was having blood spotting and I was concerned about the baby so I told my midwife and she booked me in for another ultrasound to see if baby was okay. Turned out baby was fine. I got more picture of the baby and it was a little bit bigger than a peanut.

11 Weeks Pregnant

I was 11 weeks and 4 days pregnant and yet again I had spotting and cramping pains so I had a third ultrasound. My baby had grown so much it actually looked like a baby in the picture. I could see the baby had it's daddy's nose. This time I had left with pictures and a dvd of the ultrasound. I could feel flutters like butterflies in  my stomach I wasn't sure if it was baby or not.

18 Weeks Pregnant

I was just starting to show. I had a little bump at 18 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I felt baby kick and flip at 16 weeks. It was time for my next ultrasound scan on the 16th May 2013 and I was super excited to find out what the sex of the baby is. I keep changing my mind about finding out the sex. I was like no I'll wait til baby is born then I would want to know. This was a battle for me until the day finally came and I said, okay, yes I am finding out whether the baby is a boy or a girl. After all the checking of baby was done I remember hearing the guy doing the ultrasound say "it looks like it is a little girl, there's the three line". I'm having a GIRL.

19 - 39 Weeks Pregnant.

Through this time it was pretty easy going no problems. I was taking photo pretty much everyday. A month after being 18 weeks I noticed you could defiantly tell I was pregnant. Sleep was uncomfortable. I keep needing to go toilet. I was starting to waddle as I walked. At about 20 I had decided on a name for our baby girl. By August we started getting clothes for baby. We got things quite late but we needed to save up the money for the stuff for our baby girl. It wasn't til September til we got a cot and a free bassinet from a lady on It took a week to figure out how to put the bassinet together. I took a few videos of baby kicking me I could see her move around around 28 week pregnant. On the 22nd of September I had a baby shower with Jamie's Family. None of my family could make it as they were in the north island of New Zealand and we were in the south island of New Zealand. I was little disappointed but it was okay. I got a few blankets, baby bath stuff,  baby clothes, a music picture frame and a few animal books for baby girl. At 39 weeks  three days before my baby was due I was finally half through packing my hospital bag. On the 10th of October I had taken photos and I was ready to pop.

40 Week Pregnant

The due date 12th of October has finally came. Nothing but a few braxton hicks were happening at this point and I was sick of waiting and playing the guessing game of when baby was going to arrive. On the 13th of October my mum flew down from Palmerston North to spend 3 weeks with me to help out with almost everything. Two days went passed and I was still going through my day as normal, well as normal for being 40 weeks and 3 days pregnant and overdue.

40 weeks 4 day Pregnant

All through the day the 16th of October I was having braxton hicks that were irregular from 10-20 mins apart. Turn out they were contractions. I started timing them. A fews times they were 5-7mins apart but it slowed down and was back at 10-20mins. This keep happening all day. It came to 3pm and my mum my partners dad and I went to the towns monument. It was a bumpy gravel ride up to it on a hill..I was enjoying the message from the vibration. The bumps didn't bother me.
When we got there and out of the car I lend on a park bench while having a contraction. I had 4 one the way there but they didnt hurt just uncomfortable..Once we came home I had timed more contractions but they weren't close enough so I rang midwife was told to stop timing, so I did. 8pm hit on the clock and something was feeling different. I was getting really sore period pain and back ache plus some tightening. Was it time..10pm came things calmed down so I tried to sleep but pains were getting worse. 12am came and I was in labour, just when partner was home from night shift. The baby was coming....

like to read more continue by reading my next blog... Labour & delivery story...

                       Hope you enjoyed reading my blog!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

We had to see the proof

Obviously you know how it begins, the small signs and symptoms, but you never really know if your are until you get the proof. So that what I did

This is when it all started
For quite sometime I was feeling a little off. Not my usual self. I couldn't shake away the butterflies in my stomach. I kept getting nose bleeds. I couldn't stand the smell of coffee which wasn't usual for me. I was more tired then usual...Of course the most noticeable sign was I was still waiting for my period...
Which made me wonder...

My partner and I were on holiday at the time and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was pregnant and he wanted to know to get it over and done with. He believed that I wasn't because all the times before the tests were negative. If I was expecting, It would be too soon to tell but I did it anyways
After all the fuss of getting the test and finally going my disbelief, relief yet disappointment the test was...

That put his mind at ease for the rest of the holiday but even though the proof was there it still didn't feel right but I kept my mouth shut.

A week after arriving home I decided to go make an appointment at the doctor because I was still waiting for my period and I'm never late, always predictable. The appointment was made for Wednesday 6th February 2013. I told my partner and my close cousin about the appointment,

Few days later had finally came. I parked my scooter, took a deep breathe and walked though the medical center doors by myself and when upstairs to await my doctor. I didn't have my usual doctor because she had changed jobs so I got another doctor who I had seen a few times before with my other pregnancy scares, here I was once again. After a bit of a waiting I heard my name get called. I swear my heart skipped a beat. I was scared and nervous. "How can I help you today?" as the doctor always says.
So I told her all about it and she gave me a test.
I made my way to the bathroom filled the container and put the lid on then I secretly held this pee container and made my way back to the doctor who had the test ready waiting for my pee. I sat there waiting.
It felt like forever waiting for the fluid to form the line or lines. I just wanted to know if my gut feeling was true.

I honestly thought my ears were playing a trick on me. Did I just hear the doctor say the result is

Shock filled my whole body. Goosebumps covered me. I couldn't believe it.

The first thing I did was grabbed my phone. I noticed a text from my partner saying "See it negative aye" I reply and texted, "No, it positive". I wish I didn't tell tell him through text but I had to correct him.

Well on the bright side I didn't have to pay for the doctor appointment because I was pregnant.
Anyway the doctor ask me some questions and gave me a bounty pack. Inside was many pamphlets and a book on information about pregnancy and some samples of creams and a nappy. She asked me more questions like do I smoke, any medical problem so on. So I answered them and she gave me a list of midwifes in the area and sent me on my way.

With all the shock, nervousness and excitement I don't remember how he reacted and I just drove home.
The drive home by myself was a blur. I don't remember it. As soon as I got home and stepped inside. I flopped on the couch and started crying my eyes out.
      It had suddenly hit me...
                All these questions flooded into my head and my emotions were all over the place. What was I to do? I wasn't ready for a child yet. I wanted to became a mother but it was to soon. We had planned for this 5 year from now. My dog was comforting me as I was home alone for the rest of the day til my partner came home. For hours I sat thinking and thinking, crying and crying some more. It took me a while to actually feel excited and happy about this.

After I cheered up I wanted to tell everybody that I knew about this new news but I thought I better just wait til my partner came home. But I couldn't wait. I told my cousin who I am very close to. She was super excited because four month before she had found out she was pregnant. So us cousins were pregnant at the same time just like our mothers. My mum was pregnant with me and her mum was pregnant with my cousin brother.

Finally my partner arrived home from work.. I remember just looking and nervously smiling at my partner. His eye met mine and we just hugged. The first words that came out of his mouth was So your pregnant? Have you told anyone?

After that I cant remember much but texting friends and family and  ringing up my parents and grandparents about the news. They all were over the moon. They were super exciting for us. The day after we found out everybody knew.

     A few a days later I was going to met my midwife. I'll only have her as midwife for a few weeks because we had our house on the market so we could move to the South Island of New Zealand. We decided to move closer to his family sooner since I was pregnant. I didn't want to move I had everything I wanted but I respectfully agreed.

So this was it we were going to have a baby and there was no way I was going to abort my child. It's my first and it's father is the man that I love so I was keeping the baby.

The journey was just beginning